You are taught to believe that the idea of a Flat Earth is ridiculous, a laughable notion. We live on a spinning globe. That is what you learned at school and that is what is repeated to you through TV, movies, newspapers, magazines, radio, music, song, conversations about 'global warming' and on and on. Anyone who says contrary will be mocked and vilified en masse. People will slap each other on the back appreciating worthy condemnation of someone who spoke against orthodox thinking.
Well what if you found yourself in the depths of a jungle among a tribe who had never had contact from the outside world. Now explain to them with a ball that that is the shape of the earth and some people even live on the bottom of it without falling off. I think we could imagine the scene. Assuming no language barrier, you would be laughed at. And as you began to tell them that ball actually spun around at 1000 miles an hour they would be calling for the chief, lest he miss out on the laugh of the day. Explaining that contrary to how things look, it was not the sun that went around the earth, but the other way around, they might well wonder if you had unwittingly consumed magic mushrooms on your way to meet them. But you would no doubt say, they were uneducated. They don't know any better and if they went through our school system, watched our movies and news, they would see the wisdom of your thinking.
If I were with you, I wouldn't join in the laughter. But it might take me a while to explain TV, school and mass media indoctrination to them, in order to help you out.
The earth is flat. It is not a joke, nor a psychological operation (PSYOP), despite the many obvious shills arguing it's points dressed in ridiculous outfits, like 'Mr Moot', or the stupid Flat Earth Conference where they handed each other awards. Awards? Trophies for speaking about out about the suppression of mankind? It is all jokey, to make the idea seem farcical. That is a PSYOP. The hope being that you will give up looking into it.
Try to see those people for what they are. You should be able to at least discern who is sincere. Trust in your ability to judge for yourself. There are many reasonable arguments for flat earth. I recommend Eric Dubay's 200 Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball.

Find out what is really going on in this world and speak out. Now is the time.
