The borrower is servant to the lender, and America is servant to the Federal Reserve Bank. So I cannot see how it matters materially whether you vote for Clinton or Trump.


They are both prostitutes for the financial system, a pair of shills. And what a pantomime the presidential race is! X-Factor and The Apprentice now look like proving grounds for how this rubbish is to be delivered and consumed. Meanwhile business is taken care of in the Middle East for the masters. Nothing to see here, get back to your X-Factor...


These people would piss on your leg and tell you it's raining. I suppose if you're registered to vote you could go and make an official guess at which one of them is less of a psycho.


The problem for America is that the real control lies with the moneyed powers, the Federal Reserve, and the rest, and neither of these puppets will do anything about it.
