Common thinking in the word today asserts that earth is a spinning ball, flying though space, at 67,000 miles an hour. It is widely believed that the ground, which does not appear to move, is in actuality, moving, at about 1,000 miles an hour, and it's just that you cannot discern any movement, and you are mad if you think it is not moving. Sleeping sheep are controlled this way.
Nobody questions it. We are deeply indoctrinated even since before we start school. It's a crazy thought to think the ground is moving, and moving at 1,000 miles an hour. It is a ridiculous notion and you have to be a brainwashed, not to question it. Being brainwashed and repeating what you were told in school and by educators, so called, is not a crime if you are thick. Remember that. But what should make you think is, how anyone is treated, who questions it.
It's tyranny, and most will never wonder why it is being done, too blinded by science to see. Instead you get trolls, trying to scare people off commenting or showing support. You know what you are in for if you speak against this nonsense, more nonsense from idiots. These people have nothing to say. Name calling and looking for back slaps off their brainwashed buddies. No serious argument to be heard. The outer space fantasy is being destroyed all over the internet.
They promoted the term fake news because they knew what was coming, it was already underway when they coined and first popularised that term, gave it an award and added it to the dictionary. Greater numbers of people waking up to lying, long established, and long trusted, media, telling lies, again and again. Working hand in glove with government and all the major corporations, all the same people. The lies and fakery called news, are being called out by many people. Just about all the news they give you is fake. It's a house of cards. That's the news.
The Church was never was interested in the welfare of humanity, rather, they are powerful players in controlling the masses. Christianity is cloaked Satanism. Don't wait around for an incarnation of God as a man. It never happened, and why would ever happen, because a book says so? It never will. These people are deceivers and some of the most evil individuals, on earth. To them, Jesus is Satan. He can and does represent Satan. Satan's birthday is December 25th. It's not the Creator's birthday. That is a ridiculous notion. They mock the people and the creator.
The so called Big Bang Theory is a lie brought to the people by the Catholic Church. Belgian priest, Georges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître, is reported to have come up with the idea in the 1930s. I doubt the veracity of anything reported by the Catholic Church, but in any event, it was they who brought this idea of the earth being created by an explosion into the public's consciousness and into the school curriculum. The purpose of this lie is to create atheists, in the millions, by suggesting that the creation of earth and mankind was some sort of accident. It is important to them that people should not believe in a creator. The Church, and these lowlife, so called, scientists, are snakes. They want you to believe nature is the the result of an explosion.