Brexit is a staged drama. Ordo Ab Chao, order out of chaos. Brexit is the chaos. It was designed for that purpose. It is old-fashioned divide and conquer. Divide the people of Britain, primarily, and people everywhere. And it is a scam on the people, of course. It is another device to take money from the people, to make them work harder, work longer hours, and critically, keep them too tired, to even think things through.
Brexit is 33: B=2 R=9 (18=1+8=9)E =5 X = 6 (24=2+4=6) i =9 T = 2. Total 33.
Numerically, brexit is 33, like, orange, and diamond, and ribbon. It's a freemasonic psyop on the masses. But it is also a way to unite Ireland, which I appreciate. Brexit is supported by the leadership of the European Union (EU). It is an EU project. It's a world government project. If you voted on it, you used your energy to complete a survey. The European Union is freemasonry in plain sight. EU is 33 (invert the E and count the U as 3).
They want you to think no one is in control, they want newspapers to tell that story, and to intellectualise, and fill columns with what brexit says to nationalism, or conservatism, or modernity, just useless information. It's a Freemason Punch and Judy show to divide the people. The people of Britain are being played and Brexit will not happen.