When ads for drink appeared on the television, my dad would say they tell you everything about alcohol except that it makes you drunk. We all know what drunk is. It's the time when we make stupid decisions. You do things that are out of character and you make selfish decisions, and it's only a matter of how stupid and selfish one can be.
If you are full of regret the morning after you have been drinking, then drink is not for you. That is just common sense. If you really need something, have a joint.
Smoking marijuana should be allowed. It's ridiculous that it is illegal. As long as it is 100% natural. On that topic, legalisation of marijuana will happen for many countries in the near future. This is being allowed by the people who dictate law because it will be another market to poison the masses. Pesticided  and synthetic marijuana will be deadly.
The people on earth could do without drink and they would be immeasurably better off without it. But adverts hypnotise, brainwash, and magnetize the sleepy masses.   Drink is not natural to earth. You cannot go to a stream or a pond to get drunk from it. People were never supposed to drink.
