I only voted one time, years ago. It was for divorce in Ireland. It seemed to me correct that you have the right to free yourself from a legal agreement, with another person. Today, I would say, forget about marriage. It's not a good idea. And don't vote. It doesn't count. It's a survey. And the churches are satanic, no question about it, not good men.
A court room is a satanic thing. It's a man made world where the judge plays God. It is the same as mass in a church. The pomp and ceremony, the sanctimony, people rising to their feet as the main protagonist walks out through a back door, in the corner of the room. It's devil work, all day, you have to see it.
So apart from that one anomaly, voting on divorce, which was a mistake on my part, I was young and naive, apart from that, I never voted again, I never will. I don't endorse or approve those people and their laws, there to prosecute you, as well as protect you. Law is interpreted and applied according to how they like you.
I am not saying people shouldn't stick together, a union is a natural thing, and can be a wonderful thing, but if your union is based on man-made, satanic law, that is not a good thing. If you fully understand, and you are okay with it, then you choose knowingly. And you accept the implications and effects, and the legal obligations. I would never do it. It's against my law. Outlaws only. That's the way.