NASA scientists did not find anything on Mars this week. Not "organic molecules" not any sign of life, not a mars bar, not a milky way bar, not a choc ice. It is all rubbish, but it has to be repeated by every disingenuous, deceiving, news agency on earth - CBS, ABC, BBC etc., and RTE - some spanners we have have in Ireland - Will Goodbody, reporting for RTE, who the the hell are you? you don't even know you were born, you should be ashamed of yourself.
And Elon Musk - if you can launch a convertible car into space, I can launch a Paddy Wagon Van after you to gobble it up, just like in James Bond, and no worries about carbon emissions on the way, and heating up the so called "planet". A lot of people will be taken in by this crap, but that's the plan, lead them to atheism with 'infinite space' nonsense. The earth does not move. You are in a very special place and you cannot simply exit it. There is an enclosing dome. You cannot land on the moon. There are no 'planets', just luminaries to look at. Think on morons, you are going up against All Mighty God, and against a growing number of people with their heads screwed on.
I'm sure a lot of people think it's funny, well tell that to the homeless people on the streets. Tell it to the people starving, tell them how funny it is to spend billions, trillions, on outer space BS propaganda. 20,000 people die every day from hunger or malnutrition.
I know you are not all bad, but I think a lot of you are too clever by half, and plain selfish, and conceited, and that will be your downfall. You are eating out of the devil's pot and you think you are special and powerful.
On behalf of all the oppressed, and depressed, and those feeling hopeless, and insignificant, fuck you all - fuck every government, all the phony scientists, the so called educators, the politicians, and everyone who knowingly supports these lies. Your day will come, and sooner than you think if you don't repent and make amends. You will be begging for mercy when it is too late, so think on.
